An overhead exit sign showing the way out

Have you ever thought about the “EXIT” signs that many buildings have placed inside rooms over the doors that lead the way out of the building? On the ones very often seen, the word EXIT is in red letters, lit from behind. Studies have found that red is the color most recognizable in a smoky, or foggy situation, meaning that we’ll be able to find them easily in an emergency. Then we’ll know how to find the way out—especially if the lights go out and the room is in darkness.

An “EXIT” sign reassures us that we will be able to find the way out, no matter how dark the room may be, if we will only make our way over to leave by the door or passage way it has directed.

Without an Exit Sign the Way Out Might Not Be Found

A room may have other doors without these signs, but not all of them necessarily lead outside where we will be safe. Some could even lead us into a more dangerous area than the one we are already in! It’s easy to get disoriented when everything is dark or hazy, when we can’t see which way to go. An “EXIT” sign reassures us that we will be able to find the way out, no matter how dark the room may be, if we will only make our way over to leave by the door or passage way it has directed.

Image by Happy Camper Camper from Pixabay

Jesus Became a Living Exit Sign

This world we live in is going more and more into an emergency mode, getting increasingly dark. The time we have to find the best way of leaving safely is growing shorter as well. When Jesus hung on the cross and died, it could be said that He became a ‘living’ exit sign for us. His body, drenched in His own red blood, was hung there to show us the way out of the darkness and evil of this world.

Jesus said, “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved…” (John 10:9, emphasis added). There is only one door to Heaven. That door is Jesus Christ and there is no other.

Jesus is the Only Way Out of This Sinful World

There are other ‘doors’ that we could try, but Jesus is the only door that leads the way out of this world and into the safety of our Heavenly Father’s arms, where no harm can ever reach us. There are many other doors, but none of them can lead us to Heaven. They do not have the right sign over them showing us the way out this dark world to safety. Jesus said, “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved…” (John 10:9, emphasis added). There is only one door to Heaven. That door is Jesus Christ and there is no other.

Jesus also said “…I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6, emphasis added). Things are getting darker and darker in this world and the only way out is becoming more difficult to find on our own. Will you be looking for the ‘blood red’ exit sign so you can find the way out? Be sure you are ready.

For information about finding the way out please visit our page on The Way to God.

[Additional image credits: Featured image compilation (when applicable) by cancerbox and jonathan_n on; Opening image by Mezrec160 on]