When You’ve No Hope — God Cares for You

There are times when the Lord God chooses to put His people into intensely difficult situations which appear to lead to a position where there is no way of escape. If He were to ask you in advance what you think about them, you would never choose to be involved in such predicaments on your own. Just remember, in all things, that God cares for you.

The Dark Cloud is Only for a While

Are you in such a situation right now, where it seems like a dark cloud is coming over you, engulfing you against your will? Then keep this in mind—no matter how dark the cloud you are sensing might seem to be, it will not stay forever. After the dark storm clouds pass, morning always comes again. Your cloud will move on. And then God’s mercy will fall on you like rain.

“… [Cast] all your care upon him; for he careth for you.”

1 Peter 5:7
Photo by MART PRODUCTION on Pexels

No Matter the Burden, God Cares for You

Are you struggling to carry a tremendous weight that God doesn’t seem to notice? The weights we think are so unbearable are like minute grains of sand to Him. These matters seem so grave and upsetting to us, but to God they are right on target in His plan for you. In the end, you will find that His handling of your situation is just, and that it has brought you right where He wants you—to a position of seeking Him, confessing that you cannot rely only on yourself. Even so, God cares for you. In fact, the very scene you’re in right now provides a stage to showcase the mighty power and grace of God.

Don’t stop believing that He loves you in times of tribulation as much as in times of happiness. God cares for you. He will deliver you, and He will leave you with a lesson you won’t dare to forget.

Don’t Stop Believing He Loves You

Don’t doubt that His grace is working in your time of suffering. Don’t stop believing that He loves you in times of tribulation as much as in times of happiness. God cares for you. He will deliver you, and He will leave you with a lesson you won’t dare to forget. Every time you return to this scene in your memory later, your spirits will be uplifted when you remember what God has done for you. Then you will be able to thank God over and over for doing just what He did.

The hand of a person being bandaged, symbolizing how God cares for you
Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels

He Is Watching Over Every Detail of You

The Heavenly Father is continually watching over His children. His heart feels your distress and despair and He takes pity on you. Doesn’t He see that even the tiniest bird has food to eat? Then won’t He see that you are taken care of too? He will come to you and bandage your wounds. He will heal your broken heart. Don’t just lie there in a pool of despair—keep on hoping, and never give up. Remember, God cares for you.

Give Your Burdens to Him and Leave Them There

Where does this burden you carry belong? It belongs to the Lord! Give it to Him. His powerful hand will be there with the help you need when you need it. He will calm your sorrow if you transfer all your concerns into His hands. Allow yourself to lie still in His hands, letting His will be your own.

Why don’t you let the One who is your Provider do your providing? Has He ever refused to carry your burdens?

God Has Not Forgotten You and Will Never Fail

My suffering brother or sister, be patient. Realize that God has not overlooked or forgotten you; He really does care for you! Why don’t you let the One who is your Provider do your providing? Has He ever refused to carry your burdens? Has He ever collapsed because they are too heavy for Him? If this same God really cares so much for you, why do you worry so much about yourself? God cares for you!

[Image credits: Featured image (when applicable) by Anja on Pixabay ; Opening image gallery (l to r) photo by Shashank Kumawat on Pexels, photo by costi on Freeimages.com]