Trusting the Finished Work of Christ

“It is finished” were the last words that Jesus Christ cried out when He hung on the Cross of Calvary, right before He committed His spirit to His Heavenly Father. But just what is “finished”? Christ was proclaiming that His work of redeeming mankind is complete. It was fulfilled on the Cross of Calvary. After…

The Voice of Christ, a Closed Door, and Your Destiny

We are living today in a Church Age which is rapidly coming to an end. How many people realize what place Jesus Christ is going to have at that time, and what His attitude will be? It won’t be long before He’ll be found standing outside of the door of His Church, politely knocking and…

Religion Never Gives Hope Like Jesus

If you’re trying to get through a time of trouble, don’t bother turning to manmade laws, routines or, especially, “religion” for help. “Religion” spares man the effort of thinking spiritual matters through and checking them out, which is a lazy spiritual condition or attitude. But there’s no basis in the Bible for an attitude like…

The Grace of God Enables True Love and Joy

We all start out in life as strangers to God and His grace. “Grace” means God’s goodness granted to undeserving people. As we begin to experience God’s loving mercy, we’re able to learn to trust Him more each day to see us through all our trials. Then His grace will be able to shine forth…

Taking Our Thoughts Captive to be Set Free

Does sin control our entire life so much, that its bondage has enslaved us, and we don’t know what to do? The starting place of all sin is evil thoughts which develop in the mind. But there isn’t one bad thought process or attitude that God can’t free us from (see Romans 6:3-4). The power…

Living in Fellowship with God

It has always been God’s desire to have a relationship in fellowship with His people. The work we do for Him has its own value, but our companionship and relationship we enjoy with Him is more important. There is no way to make our standing with God better because it is already at its best…

Our Faith—Not Quantity but Quality

A line in an old Gospel song about our faith says, “Faith, faith, faith you don’t need a whole lot, just use what you’ve got.” Jesus said, “…for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and…

The Only Refuge We Will Ever Need

What is a refuge? It is defined as a safe state of being, or a shelter from danger and misfortune. The word itself is from the Latin refugium, meaning ‘flee back’. All of the following are classified as a shelter in one form or another: a tent, a building, a fortified tower, a mountain, an…

“God Is For Me”

How often do we go through our walk with the Lord, thinking that there is no place where we feel like our enemies would not gladly engulf us? It seems as if every time we turn around, a new hurdle, hindrance, or attack comes against us. In some instances, even what we say is twisted…

An Iron-clad Plan Where Sin’s Accepted

Today, health insurance coverage is the rage among individuals and governments alike. Many believe that they need it so that they can receive treatment of whatever condition or malady (or even sin) that may occur in their life without having the enormous financial burden that would follow. Since healthcare costs continue to rise, the demand…