Seek Joy, Not Happiness

God created us so we could live a life that pleases Him. The life of man relates to God because “…in Him we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28). This responsibility is not a difficult one. If we’ll just live for God, who knows what marvelous things might happen in our life…

The Peace of Being Blameless

How often we want to hold God responsible for our predicaments that have actually been caused by our own sins. Yet He’s not the One Who’s to blame simply because He gave us the power of choice, and we then decided to head in a dishonorable direction. It doesn’t matter how clever a defense we…

“Come Unto Me”

When people come to Jesus Christ, the very first thing they will discover is a deep, beautiful peace inside. They won’t be able to tell what the reason is for it, but they do know that they feel good. They are no longer running from God or fighting Him. Instead, they begin to really understand…

To Fuel an Argument is Explosive

There are people in this world who love to fuel an argument. As a result, each member of the disputing party builds upon the other, until the whole affair gets way out of hand. The following anecdote illustrates the simple proverb: “As coals are to burning coals, and wood to fire; so is a contentious…

Hopes, Fears and Peace on Earth

Near the end of each and every year, most of the world looks to the ultimate idea of peace on Earth. Centuries have now passed, and we still have yet to experience such a concept. What were the angels speaking about when they proclaimed over two thousand years ago: “Glory to God in the highest,…

Fulfill Our Joy in the Joy of Christ

“My joy” as found in John chapter 15 and verse 11 means the joy that is Christ’s. This is what He desires for His disciples to possess, by which He can then, as a consequence, guarantee that we will be truly blessed. And what was the joy of Christ?—absolute self-surrender of Himself to His Father—the…

Can Tragedy and Hardship Be A Good Thing?

When you first accepted Christ into your heart, you most likely felt like you had conquered the world and that the problems you had up to that point no longer seemed so difficult. What a pleasant time it was, with little to fear. But it was not long before the euphoria faded and new tragedy…

Living Simple and Dependent on God

In this world, a little child is generally considered to be at the lowest level in society regarding knowledge, maturity, experience, and gullibility. Yet in God’s plan, this concept is completely the opposite. We are to be completely dependent on God and not on our self. He looks with great favor upon little children, more…

We Can Sleep in Peace With God — a Surefire Tranquilizer

Stress, anxiety, tension, uncertainty, pressures, hassles, revenge, lawsuits, bankruptcy, crime, assault, disease, accidents, anger, tragedy, violence, suffering—the list goes on and on. At various times, there will be upsets in our life that will leave us sleepless. It might be a major ordeal or maybe just a minor event. Whether we’re young or old, married…

Absolute Emptiness No One Talks Of

We all know the old saying that “money can’t buy happiness.” Although a few may find some happiness through money, no amount of money in the world can buy or bring anyone complete satisfaction. Ask King Solomon—in his time he was (and would still be considered) the richest person in the world. Some have calculated…