By Faith the Righteous Will Triumph

The final end of the wicked and the righteous will be quite different. The Lord has made upright people righteous (right in His eyes) by blotting their sins out and pouring new life into their heart by His Holy Spirit. The Lord’s grace will assist them continually, until they’re finally brought into His kingdom, and…

Release God’s Power and Find True Help from Trouble

If we are believers in God, then we’ll certainly meet difficulties in our life that we don’t know how to handle. What can we do about them? Looking to man to help us will serve no purpose, because our real source of help comes from God alone. “Give us help from trouble: for vain is…

Is Your Trust in God or One Inferior ?

Christ died for us, and those who follow Him place their trust in Him. He paid the entire price so that we could go free, and we‘ll be able to go to heaven someday because of this. For all those who trust in God the way Christ trusted Him, He’s willing to be to them…

Looking to Yourself or Jesus Brings Failure or Hope

How many times in your life do you run into problems and trouble, ending up with no way out. You try all kinds of things to alleviate the situation but to no real avail. Yet in reality you can’t be free the state you are in as long as you keep looking to yourself. As…

For Jesus to Come and Die Again is Absurd

Many years ago, I heard a verse in a song that said, “If He had to do it all again, He’d do it all again.” The song’s overall message tells how great the love of Jesus is to want to come and die again. It is true that He loved us so much that, even…

If Jesus Goes First, Make the Next Move, Put Faith to Work

In every board game, such as checkers or chess, the first player makes a move and then another move always has to be made, alternating back and forth until the game ends. Whether you go first or second, your opponent will always have to move one of his pieces to another space after you make…

Where Were the Carpenters After They Built the Ark?

“God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before Me…Make thee an ark…” Genesis 6:13-14 For almost 6,000 years, God has allowed man to follow his own path to progress by permitting him to bring his principles and methods of accomplishing his goals to full development. By the time of Noah, what…

Pushing Fear Out of Your Life

Whether it’s something small, like a pen running out of ink in the middle of an important exam, or something major, such as a bomb detonating on an airplane, there will be fear in our life. None is exempt from having this, regardless of age, background, standing in society, or physical location. Now fearing something,…

A Simple Trust in God Makes a Fugitive of Righteousness

Are you in a situation right now where you are oppressed and mocked just for standing up for the truth and putting your trust in God—whether at work, on the road, or even in your own home? Do feel like you are in the wrong place at the right time or even the right place…

Your Sin: Altogether Forgiven Forever ?

What word in any language could be more pleasing to someone guilty of sin than the word “forgiveness”? Is it truly possible that your sin can be altogether forgiven forever? Forgiveness is the essential part of redemption (being freed from the consequences of sin). “…we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according…