Seek Joy, Not Happiness

God created us so we could live a life that pleases Him. The life of man relates to God because “…in Him we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28). This responsibility is not a difficult one. If we’ll just live for God, who knows what marvelous things might happen in our life…

Can Silver and Gold Satisfy the Human Heart?

Those who love having an abundance will never be satisfied by obtaining it. “He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loveth abundance, with increase: this also is vanity…” (Ecclesiastes 5:10). Silver and gold can’t satisfy all the desires of our physical body. If we love silver and gold, we’ll…

The Way to God

Which road of life are you traveling on today? Your life’s journey will end one day, and then you will go into eternity. Is the road you currently are on the right road that God set out for you? Or is it that other, broad road mentioned in the Bible—the one that appears so deceptively…

Worry Over Food, Clothing, and More?

Jesus specifically said, “Take no [distracting] thought for your life…” So why do you concern yourself with “what ye shall eat…drink…put on…”? Does He really want you to worry and constantly anxious, distressed, or puzzled about how to get what you need? Having this attitude leads to despair and unbelief, which do not honor God….

Absolute Emptiness No One Talks Of

We all know the old saying that “money can’t buy happiness.” Although a few may find some happiness through money, no amount of money in the world can buy or bring anyone complete satisfaction. Ask King Solomon—in his time he was (and would still be considered) the richest person in the world. Some have calculated…

The Peace of God in an Anxious World

Many people feel that they have some form of peace in their lives. But what most are experiencing is merely peace with their own conscience. This is not the peace of God. Some think that when their anxiety level eases up, they have found peace. And others have what they call peace just because they…

Coveting to be Content: A Subtle Trap

Paul appeals urgently in the thirteenth chapter of the book of Hebrews to Christians to be content with what they have. Since we are still traveling through this world, we are still subject to the trouble it can bring. Coveting (an excessive craving or longing for some part of this world’s wealth) is the opposite…

Are Pieces Missing Unknowingly in Your Life?

Have you ever felt like your life is one big puzzle—like you were born as a thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle—and each year, thousands more pieces have been added, but now with some pieces missing? Even though your parents might have assembled some of this puzzle for you as you were growing up, does it seem like…

Sin and Yeast—a Corrupt Correlation

I recently found myself thinking about the yeast used in bread and ultimately its parallel with sin in our lives. It is a key ingredient in many popular types of bread because it is essential to make them rise. Without yeast in bread of this kind, you would have a thick and rather tough lump…