He Walked With God in Foolish Times

Enoch was a godly man who lived seven generations after Adam, right before the great flood of Noah’s time. Throughout Enoch’s life, the earth was filled with corrupt people committing violence and wickedness of every kind. Most men walked following the lusts of their own hearts, doing whatever felt good to them. They were not afraid or ashamed concerning their evil behavior. Enoch lived right in the middle of this wicked era for 365 years. And, while all those around him walked in wickedness, Enoch walked with God.
Enoch Led a Life of Faith
Now just what does “walked with God” mean? First, it means that Enoch led a life of faith in God. He showed regard for God in all of his obligations, ways, and deeds. Enoch had intimate communion with His heavenly Father continually. And he remained obedient to and dependent on God, submitting to Him with continual consideration for Him.
…like followers of God today, he didn’t find walking with God to be easy. All true followers of God are known by their faithfulness in following God’s ways
It Wasn’t Easy When Enoch Walked With God
Enoch had not always walked with God. He did not seem to recognize the need until his son Methuselah was born. But after his son’s birth, he walked consistently with the Lord for 300 years. And, like followers of God today, he didn’t find walking with God to be easy. All true followers of God are known by their faithfulness in following God’s ways. Enoch walked with God a long time in a world getting more wicked every day. But he continued steadfastly walking by faith in His heavenly Father, and not by what he had to see and hear all around him.
Those who believe in God today also walked with the world before they gave their lives to God. It is man’s nature to be at odds with God, contrary to His ways and rejecting His law. But God has to destroy this natural hatred and determination to go our own way in us before we can walk with Him. And the first requirement to become a child of God—to walk with Him—is to obey Him.

A Closeness With God is Necessary
“Can two walk together except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3). Some agree with God as far as their aim and purpose go, but to truly walk with God requires close, personal contact with Him. We have to get to know God so we can develop confidence in Him based on our personal experience with each other. Walking with God also refers to fellowship with Him in our thoughts, words, and actions. It means to live as if we are always in His presence. We need to continually recognize His presence and respect and obey His law. And we need to live our lives under His watchful eye.
When we walk with God as our heavenly Father, He looks on us as His dear children. And, as His child, we are to give Him our love and reverence in return. We experience joy in Him and His companionship. We trust Him concerning everything. Walking with God is also a way of showing our great praise for Him.
When we walk with God, we begin to grow in grace and knowledge of Him. We forget what came before and begin to prosper in ways that are over and above whatever we can ask or think.
We Can’t Stop Walking With God
To walk with God means that we are always pressing on, going forward. We don’t stop and applaud ourselves along the way, reflecting on the many great deeds we have done for Him. When we walk with God, we begin to grow in grace and knowledge of Him. We forget what came before and begin to prosper in ways that are over and above whatever we can ask or think.
And when God walks with us, He becomes our source of knowledge and assistance, guiding us into holiness and the full knowledge of Him. He enlarges our realm and gives us greater power for serving Him. We become a soul who has been restored to God through the Holy Spirit. The life of every true Christian is a walk with God, as one who was once a sinner and has now been united with our heavenly Father, brought together through Christ’s shed blood.

Enoch Never Gave in to the Vain World Around Him
Enoch was the glory of His age. He did not indulge in or even desire the vain, empty, and valueless things of this world. He walked with God as His obedient servant, following His Word and His way. His ‘compass’ was aimed only toward God, due north. Then, one day, God took Him right up to heaven without dying, out of this wicked world, to be with Him forever! The Lord used him as an example for us.
We live in a world as wicked as the one Enoch lived in, if not more so. If we intend to walk all the way with God like Enoch did, then we also need to continue to walk steadfastly by faith in our heavenly Father. He has promised that His Son is coming to take true believers out of this world very soon. Let’s not permit what we may see and hear all around us to keep us from being with Him forever!
[Additional image credits: Featured image (when available) by Gerard Hoet from Bizzell Bible Collection, University of Oklahoma Libraries through Wikimedia Commons on Picryl (Public Domain Mark PDM)]; Opening photo (modified by author) by Jayden Brand on Unsplash]