The Flood of the Devil Versus the Blood of Christ
A flood of destruction of all kinds has been coming against God’s Church lately, because the Devil is attempting to overwhelm and conquer it. Yet this flood is no match for the shed blood of Christ. When the standard-bearer was sent out in ancient times of war, he’d always begin by smiting the enemy. Our standard-bearer is the Holy Spirit, Who will initiate the first blow against our enemy. The Lord is on our side, by His Holy Spirit, and He’ll make it clear that He’s the bearer of the standard. Therefore, those who will be successful are the ones who go up against the Devil led by the Holy Spirit, Who will provide our defense.
All who believe in the power of Christ will have to battle him. But they are not defenseless, because they have been equipped to overcome him by the blood of Christ.
Christ has Already Defeated the Devil at the Cross
The One Who avenges and delivers the Church is Christ. But He couldn’t find anyone to intercede with God the Father to turn away His wrath. Therefore, for the sake of His people, Christ put His own strength and righteousness to use. So, when the enemy threatens to bear down uncontrolled, the Holy Spirit will force him to stop and make him run away. God will bring justice to the enemies of His Church. He’s the same One Who delivered His own in the past, and He will keep doing it in our day! Therefore, the Devil, the Evil One, is already a defeated foe!
The Devil was overcome by Christ’s death on the Cross of Calvary. All who believe in the power of Christ will have to battle him. But they are not defenseless, because they have been equipped to overcome him by the blood of Christ. This battle isn’t against physical flesh and blood. If that’s the way we fight, we won’t accomplish anything. But if we let God take control and fight against the Devil and the powers of darkness for us, they’ll be defeated, and His people will be set free to worship Him.
We can now testify that we’ve been redeemed through the blood of Christ, and that we have a new life and a new nature in Him.
We Can Defeat the Devil Only Through the Blood of Christ
While it’s necessary for us to overcome the Devil, it cannot be done by any other means except according to the shedding of the blood of Christ, the Lamb of God. That’s the only way, yet it doesn’t provide any explanation for our being able to have victory over the Evil One. All who’ve been redeemed are the ones who have relied solely on the only foundation of our hope. The shed blood of Christ has now become our power, because He has already overcome as our representative and on our behalf.
![A photo of a spike against concrete lying over a streak of blood implying the blood of Christ.](
We can now testify that we’ve been redeemed through the blood of Christ, and that we have a new life and a new nature in Him. His shed blood has cleansed our soul from all sin, leaving no room for the enemy to make accusations against us.
In the days to come, contrary to the Devil’s flood of destruction, the world will be covered with the knowledge of God like the waters of a flood by the preaching of the Gospel. Then Christ will be set up by His Holy Spirit as a Standard [ensign] to the unsaved. By faith, we are to accept His victory now as if it was ours. It is through the power and victory of the blood of Christ that He continues to be the King of the flood!
[Additional image credits: Featured image (when applicable) by José Manuel de Laá from Pixabay; Opening photo (modified by author) by Joshua Kettle on Unsplash]