The Lord Will Help Us Overcome Our Fear and Distress

An older woman with white hair wearing a grey winter coat with bright sunlight on her face and looking suspiciously in the direction of the camera with many people in the distant background

Do you prop yourself up and act like you are bold and courageous in order to tackle whatever hardships or difficulties come your way in life or are you able to say that the Lord will help us? It’s not wrong to face fear boldly like this and try to overcome it, but there’s no point if you’ve never laid the proper foundation for having courage. When we tell ourselves that we won’t be afraid, we prove ourselves to be fools—unless we can also say, “The Lord is my helper.”

It is only after we truly know and definitely say that the Lord will help us that we’ll be able to command the courage to face our fears and doubts, saying: “Leave—you aren’t going to make me serve you.”

“Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.”

Ephesians 6:16

Faith Over Fear

If we have faith in God and what He has promised us, then we have the opposite of fear at work in our situation. Faith is able to lay hold of God’s promise and we therefore have no reason to fear—because we know that God is the One who will protect us. If the Lord will help us, who then should we be afraid of? We know we can’t always protect ourselves, but God reassures us that He is always on our side and that He will help us.

The Lord Will Help Us

Can we possibly find someone superior to God to protect us? He may allow others to challenge our faith in Him, but no man can do more to us than He will allow. And God has sworn to be not only our protector, but also our friend. Therefore, we should never think that God won’t be there for us when we really need Him. “Deliver me from mine enemies, O my God: defend me from them that rise up against me” (Psalm 59:1).

The Helper of the Fatherless

Do you sometimes feel like one of the fatherless who have no one to protect them? It is only in God that the fatherless are able to find mercy, because He is “…the helper of the fatherless” (Psalm 10:14). The Lord has proven that He will help the helpless who have committed themselves to Him.

The Lord will help us and get back the things that comfort the ones who have suffered a loss, and make sure that they are paid back whatever is owed to them.

Divine Justice

And, if those who have been falsely accused will take their case to God and leave the results to Him, God will undertake to right the wrongs committed against them and prove their innocence. He will also plead the case of the persecuted. The Lord will help us and get back the things that comfort the ones who have suffered a loss, and make sure that they are paid back whatever is owed to them.

“Ye that fear the Lord, trust in the Lord: He is [your] help and [your] shield.”

Psalm 115:11

“Hear, O Lord, and have mercy upon me: Lord, be thou my helper.”

Psalm 30:10

The Lord Will Help Us: Comfort for the oppressed and poor

God will be the upright judge for the oppressed. He is the friend of the poor. The Lord will help us. Therefore, we can know that the He has revealed Himself to man as the One the helpless, the fearful, the crushed, and the oppressed can always turn to for protection and truly trust Him. Knowing this, now “…we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me. Thou art the helper of the fatherless” (Hebrews 13:6).

[Additional Image credits: Featured image (when applicable) (modified by author) from Tobias BJørkl by Pexels; Opening photo from Gerd Altmann by Pixabay]