A Matter of Death and Life Forever

Before He went to the cross to die, Jesus told His followers that He is the resurrection and He is the [eternal] life. Then He told them that whoever lives and believes in Him will die also—yet they will live! This means that they will also be raised from the dead (resurrected) and will have…

No Power of God Yields a Weak Church

Churches all over the world today are operating with no power. Sure, the lights are on, the music is playing, and the temperature is adequately controlled—but spiritually there is “no power.” So why is there no power? How do these churches survive without it? It is due the fact that they are operating in their…

The Ultimate Temptation of Christ

Jesus was tried, tempted, and tested throughout His ministry here on earth. In order for Old Testament prophecy and all of God’s laws to be fulfilled, His Son had to go through the most awful agony and torture anyone in history has every known. Jesus, as man, could not dodge or skip anything that was…

Living Water Deters a Stagnant Heart

Have you ever seen a stagnant body of water? It looks rather unpleasant, in fact, the longer it remains that way the more disgusting and repulsive it becomes. There are all kinds of collected water, from ditches to large lakes that can become stagnant. Some are loaded with oil and other chemicals, while others are…

An Assault on the Cross of Christ over a Plus Sign

A magazine I recently read had a humorous list with three strange requests on it that graphic designers have heard from their clients. One was a client who wanted his designer to use something besides the plus (+) sign, because he considered it too ‘religious’! While this is somewhat amusing, it also reflects the current…

Little Sins Are Like Cracks in Glass

You may think by reading this article that I couldn’t think of anything but windows and glass to write about! Actually, the following broken window examples point out that little sins in our lives are like a cracked or broken window or mirror. Whether small or large, the glass is still broken. Comparatively, little sins…