To Fuel an Argument is Explosive

There are people in this world who love to fuel an argument. As a result, each member of the disputing party builds upon the other, until the whole affair gets way out of hand. The following anecdote illustrates the simple proverb: “As coals are to burning coals, and wood to fire; so is a contentious…

The Best Kind of Tranquilizer

Stress, turmoil, anxiety, worry, tension, uncertainty, pressures, hassles, revenge, lawsuits, bankruptcy, crime, assault, disease, accidents, anger, tragedy, violence, suffering—the list goes on and on. At various times, there will be upsets in our life that will leave us sleepless. It might be a major ordeal or maybe just a minor event. Whether we are young…

Seeing the Whole City

Suppose you live in a very large city, and friends you haven’t seen for many years come to visit for a short time. After you all chat a while, they say that they want to “see your city.” Naturally, you are eager to oblige. You get everyone in your vehicle and proceed to show them…

Impulsive Anger Can Destroy the Soul

God’s view of quick and impulsive anger has always been negative. “Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools” (Ecclesiastes 7:9). While it is not wrong to be angry at certain things on appropriate occasions, as seen in the following examples, we can’t be quick to…