Trusting the Finished Work of Christ

“It is finished” were the last words that Jesus Christ cried out when He hung on the Cross of Calvary, right before He committed His spirit to His Heavenly Father. But just what is “finished”? Christ was proclaiming that His work of redeeming mankind is complete. It was fulfilled on the Cross of Calvary. After…

Faith Trust and Believing in God

Why do many people find it so hard to believe that God really loves them and wants to care for them? It may seem like a risky venture to put our faith in God, but it’s not intended to be a leap in the dark while hoping for a soft landing. True faith in Him…

Fellowship With God That’s Worthwhile

Man was created so that he could come into a loving relationship and fellowship with God, His Creator. But there was one thing man needed first. God wanted the ones He created to make the choice of showing their love for Him by obedience to Him through faith in Him. Man therefore had to be…