Raining Fire: A Legitimate Judgment of God

After the night’s dark fears have passed, the light of dawn breaks through, promising peace and happiness. But one particular day in a city called Sodom, dawn came with a vengeance and judgment no one anticipated. At the same time that daybreak lit the city, a fire-storm and destruction were coming together, ready to burst…

Hell: A Fire That Never Stops Burning

If you saw your neighbor’s house on fire, what’s the first thing you would do? Hopefully, you would check on those who live there and contact the fire department. If you claim to really care about others, this is one way to prove it. But what would you think of someone who sees his neighbor’s…

Only the Accuser Gains in Condemning

Job (rhymes with “robe”) in the Bible was trying to be as righteous before God as he could be. Yet when sudden calamity struck his life none of this counted as his friends gathered around him and condemned him, saying that it must have happened because of sin in his life. But Jesus said, “Judge…

Where Were the Carpenters After They Built the Ark?

“God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before Me…Make thee an ark…” Genesis 6:13-14 For almost 6,000 years, God has allowed man to follow his own path to progress by permitting him to bring his principles and methods of accomplishing his goals to full development. By the time of Noah, what…

Our Uncertain Future and What’s Next

Many people feel that their future is a hop, skip, and jump away, perhaps with some conflicts and obstacles here and there. It is nothing that a little extra effort or savvy maneuvering on their part wouldn’t overcome. Just read the following conversation between two individuals and see how ‘simple’ they think of the future….