Lost in the Dark?

Have you ever eagerly wandered off into a deep, dark forest, only to find yourself lost? Or taken a walk down a path and had the sun go down earlier than you had anticipated, leaving you to find your way in the dark? Maybe you have driven down a road and had dense fog suddenly…

A Dark Manger in a World of Darkness

I walked down a street one evening recently where many homes were decorated for Christmas. Some had elaborate displays with a lot of lights; others displayed a simple arrangement and very few lights, or anything else that would really grab your attention. What caught my eye among all of these displays was a simple little…

Let Your Light Shine and Not Speak!

As a believer in Christ you need to let your light shine in full brilliance. Your lamp should show forth His light without a word being spoken. So often we go out into this world with His light only partially shining, much like a flashlight or a low-wattage bulb. Other times we hide or disguise…