Waiting for the Breath of God

Throughout the course of our life we will find ourselves lost and in such figurative darkness that we can hardly know the position of our own hands. We often lose hope in ever breaking out of this gloom and despair just like the youth in the following story. But it is usually at this point…

It’s Easy to Lose the Steps of Christ

Following in the steps of Christ is reminiscent of the game children like to play in following another child by trying to step in each of his footprints behind him. The one who follows will do his best to keep up, but he may let his attention get distracted while the leader keeps walking and…

The Peril of Trusting in Our Own Way

When we make a commitment to God, we have chosen to follow and obey only Him. We have no right at that point to chart our own path, because we now belong to Him and have come under His direction and care. When we surrender our life to God we cannot go off into just…

Lost in the Dark?

Have you ever eagerly wandered off into a deep, dark forest, only to find yourself lost? Or taken a walk down a path and had the sun go down earlier than you had anticipated, leaving you to find your way in the dark? Maybe you have driven down a road and had dense fog suddenly…

Hopelessly Lost in a Godless Journey

Does your life feel like one big journey that you have been endlessly moving along, sometimes fast, sometimes slow? It seems like you feel you’re never really getting anywhere, as if you’re traveling in overlapping circles or everything around you is moving so quickly that you don’t know where or who you are. Yet in…