The Dead Arose and Came Forth

Our human nature is composed of two basic elements: the physical body—made of a visible, material substance, and the soul—an invisible substance that is immaterial. Our body can’t be disconnected from the soul, so they are therefore associated with each other. God gave us life when He breathed the first breath of life into our…

Stop Sleeping for “the Day is at Hand”

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, now is the time to stop sleeping and to shake off our physical and mental sluggishness and indifference. We need to change our clothes we sleep in, which are only appropriate to be used in the darkness, and put on clothes that are appropriate to the daylight. We…

If Jesus Goes First, Make the Next Move, Put Faith to Work

In every board game, such as checkers or chess, the first player makes a move and then another move always has to be made, alternating back and forth until the game ends. Whether you go first or second, your opponent will always have to move one of his pieces to another space after you make…

A Matter of Death and Life Forever

Before He went to the cross to die, Jesus told His followers that He is the resurrection and He is the [eternal] life. Then He told them that whoever lives and believes in Him will die also—yet they will live! This means that they will also be raised from the dead (resurrected) and will have…