“The Plague Shall Not…Destroy You”
“…the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague [Hebrew meaning: an infliction of disease] shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land…”
Exodus 12:13
“I will pass over you.” God would pass by or over the house of His people, the Israelites, if the blood from the sacrifice of an innocent lamb was upon it. No one who lived there would be destroyed and it would be spared. The Lord kept His children safe beneath His wings and thereby protected every one of them. But God’s people are only kept safe by being under the blood. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a plague, a war, an earthquake, a famine, or a storm—God does not send any of these to hurt His own people. Instead, God Himself is the place of safety for His people where they are always safe, because all of His children are “in His hand.”
But take note that being safe and delivered is not God’s way of rewarding His people due to their own righteousness—it’s the gift of mercy being extended to them by their heavenly Father. The Jewish priests had taught the Israelites that all blessings and their deliverance came to them only through the shedding and sprinkling of the blood from an innocent sacrifice. God would look down upon the shed blood, and then His judgment would not be on His people. Young, old, good, or bad, it didn’t make any difference—God looked upon the blood.
The Lord spared His people when He saw the blood on the lintel and side-posts of the Israelite’s homes. And it’s the same idea concerning God’s people today. Whenever God emerges in fierce anger from where He lives in order to deal with mankind, with the plan to shake up the people on earth with terrors, and to condemn the wicked ones, we can be positive that all His people will be safe and secure—because they have been symbolically sprinkled with Jesus’ blood, and thereby covered with His righteousness. But how is it possible that Christ’s blood has the power to save and protect His own? It is only because Jesus Christ Himself is God.
What about you? Are you a child of God? Are you covered by the blood of Jesus? To put it another way, have you ever given your life to Jesus and become a true follower of Him? Are you aware of the significance of Jesus dying on the cross in order to shed His blood to make the payment required to God our Father for your sin? This is the only way any of us can come to God and be taken into His loving care forever. Absolutely nothing else we do or don’t do will make it possible to be with Him someday in Heaven.
Usually many people do survive when there is a plague or flood or fire or other calamity. But some will not, no matter what their situation in life is when it occurs. No one can know in advance if he or she is going to be one of the survivors or one of the victims. That is why now is the time to make things right with God, before any calamity can bring you down. How very tragic to be involved in a calamity and not be able to live through it. But how much more tragic it would be to lose your life and your soul—to end up not in Heaven, but in Hell! –to end up without God forever. You may think you are too young to worry about such things. There are young people in Hell too, you know. There are no exemptions. You may think you’ve lived too bad of a life to deserve to go to Heaven and be with God forever. None of us can live a life good enough to qualify! There has only been one perfect person, and that is Jesus. And the only ones who will not end up in Hell are those who are taken out of the way by Jesus—those who have been protected by His blood. There is no other way, no other qualification, no other influence, nothing else that can keep you from Hell and land you in Heaven to be with the heavenly Father forever.
Do you want to spend eternity in Heaven with God? Then be sure you are covered in the blood of the Son of God. This way God will overlook you when He sends the Death Angel to the scene of a catastrophe. And maybe He will let you live through it. Or maybe your time will be up on earth. But one day you will die, regardless. Where will you go? Who will you be with forever? Take this opportunity to get right with God, while you still can.
To learn more of how to understand how to know God please look at our section about the way to God.
[Additional image credits:Featured image (when available) by Marcantonio Raimondi from The Metropolitan Museum of Art through Picryl [Public Domain Dedication (CC0 1.0)]; Opening image by C. M. Ward from the book With the children on Sundays, through eye-gate, and ear-gate into the city of child-soul (c) 1911 by Silvanus Stall through Wikimedia Commons on PIcryl (Public Domain Mark)]