Life is Hard — Jesus Makes it Better
Life is hard, too hard for me and I can’t take it, you say. Life does seem to be so hard lately, yet there is going to be more turmoil coming soon on this Earth, more than it has ever known before—because a great climax between good and evil is about to take place. What you need to know is that life isn’t going to get any easier. But you also need to know that there is a way to make it through this life, no matter what hardships or difficulties you may encounter.
We Can’t Just Ride it Out
God has given you your life as your opportunity to carry out what He has predestined for you. But you won’t be able to make it by just trying to take care of yourself and ride it out. Look at the stock market lately as an example—many thought they had enough investments to carry them through any difficulty. Suddenly, in a day, or even a minute, some of them lost most—or even all—of their money that they were depending on.
God Progressively Comes Knocking Until He Has Our Attention
God first comes to us quietly, but we don’t listen. Then He will come another time knocking loudly, yet most still won’t pay attention. But once a calamity is permitted to happen, then He will have our attention!
You Need Someone to Help You in This Life
Life is hard and you need someone to help you in this life—and that Someone is Jesus. If you don’t cry out for Him to answer your prayers, there is no hope for real help. “…when [Jesus] was entered into a ship, His disciples followed Him. And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but He was asleep” (Matthew 8:23-24).
Though Your Life is Hard, Jesus Brings Complete Peace
While the storm raged, Jesus peacefully slept in the boat (!)—because He was always in control. “…His disciples came to Him, and awoke Him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish. And He saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then He arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm” (Matthew 8:25-26). Whenever you face serious circumstances, earnestly call on the right Person to save you! Jesus can bring complete peace to those storms that come up in your life.
Rebelling Against God Will Only Make Life Harder
While life is hard, don’t waste this life. Rebelling against God and provoking Him to anger is not a good way to go through it. Throw out the junk in your life, and do the things God has been telling you to do. Before you are brought to face the eternal Judge, you need to get right with Him. Treasure up eternal things in this life, not the temporary things of the world. Your life is meant to be lived fully for God.
Whatever the Problem Jesus is the Answer
Remember that you are not alone; Jesus knows who you are and where you are. The answer is not in a certain church, or denomination, or religion. Your answer is a Man—Jesus! Then, when you face those tempest-tossing struggles in your life, you can rest easy, because Jesus is more in control than you can ever imagine. Whatever your problem, the only answer that will truly benefit you is found in Jesus! Life is hard, but Jesus’ hand is not too short to reach down to help you.
To find out more about how to reach God please visit our page about the way to God.
[Image credits: Featured image (when available) Leroy Skalstad from Pixabay; Opening photo by Pete Linforth from Pixabay]