Seeking Refuge Among the Enemy?

Imagine being fiercely pursued by your country’s leader, along with some of his best men, and then making false statements to a priest of God to get something to eat. Next, you stretch the truth even more to acquire a sword (which you don’t need in the first place) that belonged to a person of…

Is the Rest Stop Now the Destination?

The summit always seemed completely out of reach as the small group of climbers continued their slow and arduous ascent. Marcus, the self-appointed leader of the group, felt that, if they were to reach one of the many plateaus for a rest stop on this side of the mountain range before sunset, they would all…

No Profitable Reason to Complain

“I have a good reason to complain!” How often have we spoken these words to try to justify our feelings! Complaining is a way of expressing our grief or pain or dissatisfaction. Sometimes we complain in a formal way, but more often it is a casual statement or attitude. And we know that everyone wants…

Secure Freedom From Oppression

Thousands of years ago, the children of Israel were living in the land of Egypt. Yet the longer they resided there, the worse things got for them. They had been in bondage and slavery to the Egyptians, having no hope or real future, and not a lot of faith in God. Then, at some point…

When Given, God’s Blessing is to Be Used Completely

In the early stage of their journey in the wilderness, the Israelites reached a point where there was no food readily available. Rather than calling out right away to God for help, they decided to murmur and complain about their situation instead. Yet God still provided for them, and in a way that they were…

When Overcome by Fear — Don’t Flee!

Fear can cause all kinds of reactions and impulses in us depending on the circumstances. Many will flee, while others may just stand still, like a deer in an approaching vehicle’s headlights. Some will not think or act rationally and might even aid that which is creating fear in the first place. Fear in itself…

Worry Over Food, Clothing, and More?

Jesus specifically said, “Take no [distracting] thought for your life…” So why do you concern yourself with “what ye shall eat…drink…put on…”? Does He really want you to worry and constantly anxious, distressed, or puzzled about how to get what you need? Having this attitude leads to despair and unbelief, which do not honor God….

The Wrong Piece

It is annoying, downright annoying, when assembling a jigsaw puzzle, to find that a piece is in the wrong place. One part of the piece that connected to the other pieces fits correctly. And it seemed to match the corresponding picture. Yet when you try to connect the other pieces to it, they just will…

Absolute Emptiness No One Talks Of

We all know the old saying that “money can’t buy happiness.” Although a few may find some happiness through money, no amount of money in the world can buy or bring anyone complete satisfaction. Ask King Solomon—in his time he was (and would still be considered) the richest person in the world. Some have calculated…

When We Solve Our Problems by Ourselves They Become a Failure

There are so many times where we try to solve something intangible with something tangible and wonder why we can’t arrive at a solution. We don’t want to acknowledge that only God can solve our moral and spiritual problems. Yet the more we leave God out of our lives, the more He leaves us to…