In Difficult Situations God Is Always Superior

God chooses to put His children into difficult situations of great magnitude sometimes, which seem to lead us to a position of no escape. If He asked us in advance what we think of being subjected to them, it would never be our choice to be in such circumstances. What about you? Are you in…

A Cloud – Breaking Journey with God

In our journey with God, we are also going to find difficult areas and places where we cannot see how we can make it through on our own. There are going to be mountains to climb, and valleys we must descend to. But we should not allow rough areas or storms to deter us from…

Through Faith Jesus Will Rescue You

Jesus told His “…disciples to get into a ship, and to go before Him unto the other side, while He sent the multitudes away…[then] He went up into a mountain apart to pray…” (Matthew 14:22-23). Jesus wanted His disciples to go to either Bethsaida or Capernaum in the boat. Likely they were not anticipating any…

The Lonely Ones of God

Many people fear loneliness. But for a child of God in His service, being alone is a necessity—because God’s way is a lonely way. If you are going to lead others as God directs, it requires a certain amount of loneliness. You cannot take friends along with you, even though they may provide you a…