When You Have No Hope — God Cares for You

There are times when the Lord God chooses to put His people into intensely difficult situations which appear to lead to a position where there is no way of escape. If He were to ask you in advance what you think about them, you would never choose to be involved in such predicaments on your…

From Sea to Table — He’ll Protect You

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalms 46:1). When the winds are howling or the storm is raging, Jesus will always be our source of hope, peace, and protection—if we will let Him. When we let fear, despair, or worry into our lives, they will take over and peace…

The Bee, the Birdbath, and When God Reached Down to Save Us

We often have the idea that God is an impersonal entity that has little concern about our well-being. Yet the writer in Psalms 18, verse 16 speaks of God quite differently, “He sent from above, he took me, he drew me out of many waters.” Contrary to popular belief, while He will be displeased when…