God Will Be With Us in Our Trouble

Trouble and affliction will happen in our life if we’re a believer in God, but they don’t come in order to harm us. During periods of severe difficulty, the people of God frequently become aware of a special divine presence. The Lord knows when His people are in severe difficulty, and He’ll come and give…

Being A Servant: The Path to Greatness

What is the whole work of a servant? It is to serve. Even though Jesus is God and King, He gave up all claims to honor and glory in order to be a servant to man. Since He was willing to yield Himself to the lowest position of a servant in order to serve the…

3 Essential Means to Fear God

Fear is something we experience regularly throughout our lives, whether it is in respect of someone, in dread of another, or just fear of anything at all. It may surprise you to know that God expects these kinds of fear in us. He does not want us to completely remove all aspects of fear from…