Where Should Our Hope Rest?

What is it that we are searching for? Is it for peace, joy and hope in our life? Is it what Jesus is looking for, or for something that will satisfy ourself? If we look to ourself for hope, we won’t find it. When a personal or world crisis occurs, thinking positively without living godly…

Life is Hard — Jesus Makes it Better

Life is hard, too hard for me and I can’t take it, you say. Life does seem to be so hard lately, yet there is going to be more turmoil coming soon on this Earth, more than it has ever known before—because a great climax between good and evil is about to take place. What…

Hell: A Fire That Never Stops Burning

If you saw your neighbor’s house on fire, what’s the first thing you would do? Hopefully, you would check on those who live there and contact the fire department. If you claim to really care about others, this is one way to prove it. But what would you think of someone who sees his neighbor’s…