The Perfect Work of Patience

“…the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, [lacking] nothing…” (James 1:3-4), meaning that everything is now complete. Our patience needs an opportunity to be tried to the limit in order to carry out its perfect work. We should want to be faithful to what we…

Can Tragedy and Hardship Be A Good Thing?

When you first accepted Christ into your heart, you most likely felt like you had conquered the world and that the problems you had up to that point no longer seemed so difficult. What a pleasant time it was, with little to fear. But it was not long before the euphoria faded and new tragedy…

Jesus’ Faith + Patience = Godly Character

What we say and actually do can be miles apart. But God doesn’t judge us by these as much as He judges us by our character. The one thing He really wants to see is godly character being built up in us. This means the way we behave according to our code of correct behavior…

“Fear Ye Not!”

“…Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever.” Exodus 14:13 “Fear ye not”, Moses ordered the people of God. Yet…

Packed, Shipped …and Forgotten by God?

You make your needs known to God and yet nothing happens. You send them off, like a package, with great anticipation, believing that the answer will come very soon and you wait and wait and wait without a single word or response from your Heavenly Father. How often do you feel forgotten by God? A…