The King Who Was A Perfect Servant

Jesus Christ is very God of very God, but when He came to mankind in the flesh, He took the form of a servant or bondslave upon Himself. There has only been one perfect Servant of God upon Earth, and, being the Son of God, Christ was the Servant of God in a way no…

Experiencing God’s Rest

Many Christians say, “I find it difficult to rest in faith in God. Why doesn’t He just let me see what He’s doing, or make it plain why He’s permitted certain things to happen to me, and what benefit He will work out from it? Then it would be a whole lot easier for me…

When We Look Out for Ourselves We Always Put God Last

In our world at present, the main intention of the majority of people seems to be self-gratification. The most common default attitude today is a ‘me first’ mentality. Of course, we will help others, as long as we are taken care of before everyone else. Our line of thinking is, that if we are doing…

God’s Peace Will Keep Your Heart

The God of love has constant peace in everything, and is willing to extend it to you in order to keep you in everything. His peace will protect and rule over your feelings, your judgment, and everything else. If you will “let your requests be made known unto God,” you may be sure that He…

Being Constantly Focused on Jesus and His Subtle Guidance

In our fast-paced world, staying focused on Jesus can be both challenging and crucial. Just as a skilled worker remains attentive to their supervisor’s every gesture, we as believers are called to keep our eyes fixed on Christ. This steadfast attention goes beyond mere obedience; it’s about developing a deep, natural understanding of His will….

Pleasing God by Faith

“…without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6 We all encounter many kinds of complications as we go through life. Most people go along with no hope of going through…