It’s Absurd to Blame God For Your Problems

Quite often when something doesn’t work in our favor we move into default mode and blame someone or something. If there is a problem at our job we blame a coworker, the boss, or a client/customer. Our tire or tires run low on air and we blame the repair shop. When the price is wrong…

Persevere to Shun Complacent Faith

How often we believers in Christ easily become spiritually complacent in our walk with God. Throughout the Old Testament we find many examples of complacency where the Israelites took God for granted. As a result, God would withdraw and let them find out that they were operating on their own. Through defeat in a battle,…

Is Jesus the Focus of Our Faith?

Where is the main focus of our faith? Is it in the head of a religious organization, or maybe the person speaking at a church service? Is it in what is written in the Bible or our effort spent in reading it? Is it in the actions of an alluring individual healing the sick? Is…

A Key That Opens Our Fervent Desire

Walk into any jewelry store and you will find that all items of real value are kept in locked display cases. Look at them all you want, but if you decide to actually hold or purchase them, you must ask the jeweler to unlock the case and hand you the item. But no reputable jeweler…

Worry Over Food, Clothing, and More?

Jesus specifically said, “Take no [distracting] thought for your life…” So why do you concern yourself with “what ye shall eat…drink…put on…”? Does He really want you to worry and constantly anxious, distressed, or puzzled about how to get what you need? Having this attitude leads to despair and unbelief, which do not honor God….

Can God Help with Your Cares, Burdens, and Afflictions?

“Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” Psalm 53:22 To cast your burdens upon God means resting upon what He has promised and on what He provides. Cares can heavily weigh your heart down, but the Lord won’t allow you to come…

When We Are Protected Under God’s Shadow

The psalmist declares in the first verse of Psalm 91, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” What a wonderful thought for us, the children of the Almighty, to be protected under God’s shadow! Imagine how our enemies would feel if they knew…

Hazardous Floating Will Sink Ships

Have you ever watched an object floating on the water? All it will do is float along and it won’t sink—unless water is allowed to come inside. It doesn’t matter whether it is a huge ship on the ocean carrying thousands of containers of cargo, or just a plastic bottle cap on top of a…

The Lonely Ones of God

Many people fear loneliness. But for a child of God in His service, being alone is a necessity—because God’s way is a lonely way. If you are going to lead others as God directs, it requires a certain amount of loneliness. You cannot take friends along with you, even though they may provide you a…

Ask God and Transform Your Life

So what point is there in asking, if God already knows what you need? What we think prayer is—and what God says prayer is—are not always the same thing. Is prayer just a way to convince God to give us something? We should not come and ask God like spoiled children, demanding more treats and…