We Need Giants in Our Life – Part Three

We have seen, in our last two articles (We Need Giants in Our Life – Part One – (The Period of Training) and We Need Giants in Our Life – Part Two (The Period of Testing)), the necessity of giants in our lives, and how just one colossal representative of the enemy could plant significant…

Can Tragedy and Hardship Be A Good Thing?

When you first accepted Christ into your heart, you most likely felt like you had conquered the world and that the problems you had up to that point no longer seemed so difficult. What a pleasant time it was, with little to fear. But it was not long before the euphoria faded and new tragedy…

A Simple Trust in God Makes a Fugitive of Righteousness

Are you in a situation right now where you are oppressed and mocked just for standing up for the truth and putting your trust in God—whether at work, on the road, or even in your own home? Do feel like you are in the wrong place at the right time or even the right place…

Trusting in God Turns Little to Much

Jesus had been teaching the people in a solitary part of the region for much of the afternoon. They had come because they were hungry, not for physical food, but for the truth (spiritual food). The people sought Jesus because they knew He taught the truth. Even though Jesus was physically tired at this point,…