The Ultimate Temptation

Jesus was tried, tempted, and tested throughout His ministry here on earth. In order for Old Testament prophecy and all of God’s laws to be fulfilled, His Son had to go through the most awful agony and torture anyone in history has every known. Jesus, as man, could not dodge or skip anything that was…

Overcoming the Spiritual Struggle with Our Flesh

The Apostle Paul had discovered that he had no strength of his own to carry out the good that he wanted or willed to do in his life. He said, “…how to perform that which is good, I find not…” (Romans 7:18). After wrestling with this knowledge of an internal spiritual struggle for a while,…

When God Was Tempted, Tried & Tested

What does it mean when God is tempted? “Jesus said unto him, It is written again…You shall not tempt the Lord thy God” Deuteronomy 6:16; Matthew 4:7. It refers to testing His strength, goodness, value, and truth, or to put Him to the proof to see if what He says is true. It means that…