Living Simple and Dependent on God

A child with coat and hat kneeling on rocks overlooking ocean surf, a reminder of being dependent on God  in a difficult world

In this world, a little child is generally considered to be at the lowest level in society regarding knowledge, maturity, experience, and gullibility. Yet in God’s plan, this concept is completely the opposite. We are to be completely dependent on God and not on our self. He looks with great favor upon little children, more so than adults. Jesus said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:14b). Why? It is due to the child’s simple and dependent nature.

[Jesus] was never concerned about how He would get His next meal or where He was to sleep each night. Even while in a boat during a fierce storm, He slept on in peace.

Jesus Came Totally Dependent on God

When Jesus came to this world as a human being, He did not rise up and forcefully overthrow the government, declaring Himself the almighty Emperor. Not once did He even hint at such an idea. Instead, He came lowly and dependent on God, His Father in Heaven for everything—from what He should say, to where He should go next. He was never concerned about how He would get His next meal or where He was to sleep each night. Even while in a boat during a fierce storm, He slept on in peace. He knew that His Father would take care of everything. And as seen in the conclusion of that narrative, He did. The storm dissipated, the winds subsided, and the raging sea became calm.

God calls us to come up to Him in our relationship. We are to always be mature in our thinking and actions and simple, but not immature, in our faith in His Son.

Be as a Child But Do Not Be a Child

Now if Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords, was totally dependent on God, how much more so should we be in all areas of our life? Jesus said, “Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3). Of course, we must remember that Jesus told us to be as children and not be children. God calls us to come up to Him in our relationship. We are to always be mature in our thinking and actions and simple, but not immature, in our faith in His Son.

Seek God’s Kingdom

Which kingdom are we seeking? Is it one where we are constantly struggling to get ahead without God, in order to achieve a high position in a fragile and evil world that will one day perish forever? Or is it a kingdom where our needs can be met just by asking and believing in simplicity like a child—with no room or need for anxiety, fears, or worry? Jesus said, “But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Luke 12:31). The more we try to figure things out and successfully make it in this world in our own strength, the farther removed we become from being dependent on God.

Father, I surrender myself to You, wholly and completely. Forgive me for my self-centered ways, motives and actions. Turn my heart and life into one that is dependent on God. May I have the simple faith of a child that I may enter into Your kingdom and peacefully dwell there forever with You. Amen.

[Additional image credits: Featured image (when applicable) by David Beale on Unsplash; Opening image by Mikael Kristenson on Unsplash ]