Jesus Is Here — Abandon the Safety Net

Many of us have at least one item in our possession that we hold onto for security. It might be a particular article of clothing, a piece of jewelry, an official document, some kind of correspondence or a card, or it could even be just a toy, book, or stuffed animal. For some, it is not a tangible object, but is instead found only in the heart. Whatever the safety net is for each of us, we value it greatly and refuse to let go of it.

While it is not necessarily wrong to have something to fall back on in times of distress and uncertainty, it is a real matter of concern when the reason or need for this item is removed—yet we still continue to hold onto it anyway. Some will never give it up for the rest of their lives.

A color slide of a pair of seated beggars in Alexandria, Egypt.
Photo by T. H. McAllister from The Brooklyn Museum

The Blind Beggar’s Garment Used to Collect and Protect

There was once a blind beggar who sat along the highway outside the city of Jericho in the Middle East begging long ago. How he became this way, we are not told. He had a garment with him that he would have used during the day to collect support from travelers passing by, and at night for protection from the elements.

The Blind Beggar Knew Who Jesus Was

When Jesus was leaving the area on His one and only trip to Jericho, He walked in the vicinity of this blind beggar. The man already knew who Jesus was and what He was capable of doing, because we read in the book of Mark that “…when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me” (Mark 10:47).

We know this piece of clothing was essential to his well-being as a beggar outside of the city. It was kind of his safety net. For him to throw it aside meant that he no longer needed it.

Jesus Stopped and the Blind Beggar Cast Aside His Garment

Now Jesus could have passed by him and kept on going, but this was not in God’s plan. So “…Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called. And they called the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise; He calleth thee. And he, casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus” (Mark 10:49, 50 emphasis added). We know this piece of clothing was essential to his well-being as a beggar outside of the city. It was kind of his safety net. For him to throw it aside meant that he no longer needed it.

He Never Retrieved the Garment or Used It Again

The blind beggar could have brought it with him when he went to Jesus, as a precaution. But, by letting go of it and throwing it aside, he fully demonstrated that his trust was in Jesus to set him free of his blindness once and for all. Even after Jesus healed him, he did not go back, pick it up, and resume sitting by the roadside. Instead, he “followed Jesus in the way (verse 52). He wanted to be with the One who opened his eyes, the One he knew would be true to His nature and His word.

The blind beggar cast his garment aside before Jesus even touched Him, because he was already believing that He would restore his sight

An AI generated image of an Asian man with a backpack casting away his jacket symbolic of one giving up their safety net
Image generated by AI from MS Designer/Dall-E

We Need to Give Up Our Garment or Safety Net

God wants us to let go of whatever we have been clinging to for our security throughout our life. He wants us to give up the safety net totally, toss it aside, and believe in Him to make us whole and to set us free. The blind beggar cast his garment aside before Jesus even touched Him, because he was already believing that He would restore his sight. This blind beggar was capable of believing God and doing this over two thousand years ago, and we are just as able to do the same thing now—thanks to the victory Jesus made possible for us through His sacrifice on the cross.

Keeping the Safety Net Will Only Hinder You With God

Where is that “old garment” you have been depending on right now? Is it still in your possession, even after He has delivered you from your physical or spiritual blindness? Or is there that safety net you are keeping by your side ‘just in case’ things do not work out? If so, cast it away now and leave it behind forever; you do not need it anymore. Do not let doubt and unbelief take away the deliverance Jesus has made possible in your life. “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).

[Additional image credits: Featured image (when applicable) by vishnudeep dixit on Pexels; Opening image by Petra from Pixabay]