How to Fail God and Learn From It

So many in this world are constantly searching for the means to be successful in life. Yet what they don’t know is that the only way to succeed in this world, and more importantly, afterward is by following God’s Word, the Bible. It’s full of success. But how many realize that the Bible also gives…

Have You Reached Your Dead End?

Once you were in bondage to sin, but a way was made for you to get free. You acknowledged the price paid, and were then granted your release from captivity. The enemy was forced to let you go. Now the world you are in is a beautiful place. The burdens that weighed you down are…

Through Faith Jesus Will Rescue You

Jesus told His “…disciples to get into a ship, and to go before Him unto the other side, while He sent the multitudes away…[then] He went up into a mountain apart to pray…” (Matthew 14:22-23). Jesus wanted His disciples to go to either Bethsaida or Capernaum in the boat. Likely they were not anticipating any…

The Best Kind of Tranquilizer

Stress, turmoil, anxiety, worry, tension, uncertainty, pressures, hassles, revenge, lawsuits, bankruptcy, crime, assault, disease, accidents, anger, tragedy, violence, suffering—the list goes on and on. At various times, there will be upsets in our life that will leave us sleepless. It might be a major ordeal or maybe just a minor event. Whether we are young…

A Strong Tower

You are in a bad predicament. Your enemy has you surrounded and is closing in quickly. What should you do? Run! Me, run? Yes, you! Run. Run to the nearest fortified protection. But that’s retreating. I don’t retreat, I fight! So you are going to fight an enemy that is always more powerful than you…

Does God Ever Care About Your Worry ?

Are you going through a situation where you feel like God doesn’t care about you? Does it seem like He doesn’t see what you are going through? Do you feel like you have to worry and fret over your situation, since God apparently is not interested in helping you with it? Maybe you think He…

Rain and Unbelief

I recently read an interesting anecdote about an open-air religious meeting held in Scotland in the 1800s. On the morning of the day of the meeting, rain came down in torrents. A minister connected with the meeting led the others in prayer, confidently praying that the weather would clear up by the time of the…

Release Your Faith in Your Point of Contact — Jesus Christ

That particular evening Jesus faced the weariness of physically ministering to the throngs of people all day, and of feeding all of them too. Not only had He been pressed by them all day long, but also up into the evening. While the disciples headed back to the other side of the Sea of Galilee…