Prayer That Pleases God

The one place where we can fight our battles and gain our victories is in the secret place of prayer. If we‘re devoted to the Lord from the heart, if we’re obedient to Him and what He says, and if we don’t stop praying—then we’ve found what He’s looking for in us. The Lord doesn’t passively…

Power That Makes the Devil Powerless

Whenever we purposely stop depending on God’s Holy Spirit to help us stand against being tempted to sin, and then turn around and deliberately make plans to sin, we leave ourselves exposed to possible attacks, or even control, by Satan. It is not just our actions that he attacks—our motivation is under attack as well….

Is “Human Reason” Your Faith in God ?

What is your attitude toward faith? You can say you have faith in God, but you should not consider this to be your key to eternal life with Him. The only way to have true faith in God is by establishing a relationship with Him that is genuine and intimate. How can anyone have faith…

Is Faith Just What Feels Good to Us?

When it comes to following God, we often do not want to put our faith in His way. We would much rather traverse a bridge that is easy, comfortable, and appears right, than trust one that is rough, rugged, and challenging, but also tried-and-true. We prefer something we can perceive physically, something that feels good,…

Let Go of the Problem and God Works!

As our Heavenly Father, God wants us to come to Him with our needs and concerns. In fact, He will often allow, or even bring about, problems to affect us, to bring us to the point of committing them over to Him. In His love for us, He wants us to come to Him first…

Jesus’ Faith + Patience = Godly Character

What we say and actually do can be miles apart. But God doesn’t judge us by these as much as He judges us by our character. The one thing He really wants to see is godly character being built up in us. This means the way we behave according to our code of correct behavior…