The Perfect Work of Patience

“…the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, [lacking] nothing…” (James 1:3-4), meaning that everything is now complete. Our patience needs an opportunity to be tried to the limit in order to carry out its perfect work. We should want to be faithful to what we…

Recognizing Jesus in Your Storm

“And Peter…walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid” (Matthew 14:29–30). The waves on the sea were truly high, and the wind was truly violent and overwhelmingly turbulent. But Peter did not notice or take them into consideration at first. He simply realized that it…

The Flood, Faith and Fear

Noah was born in a time when the human race had sunk to an extremely low and corrupt state. His parents hoped his birth was a sign that reform was coming, yet their hopes were greatly disappointed. “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord” (Genesis 6:8). God announced to him that He…

He Walked With God in Foolish Times

Enoch was a godly man who lived seven generations after Adam, right before the great flood of Noah’s time. Throughout Enoch’s life, the earth was filled with corrupt people committing violence and wickedness of every kind. Most men walked following the lusts of their own hearts, doing whatever felt good to them. They were not…

Is “Human Reason” Your Faith in God ?

What is your attitude toward faith? You can say you have faith in God, but you should not consider this to be your key to eternal life with Him. The only way to have true faith in God is by establishing a relationship with Him that is genuine and intimate. How can anyone have faith…

He Stood Still

What do a man filled with many demons, a woman with an incurable hemorrhaging condition, and two blind men sitting by the wayside have in common? Each one brought Jesus to a standstill. Ordinarily this would seem inconsequential. Out of the thousands that Jesus touched and ministered to during His time here on the Earth,…

The Lord Will Help Us Overcome Our Fear and Distress

Do you prop yourself up and act like you are bold and courageous in order to tackle whatever hardships or difficulties come your way in life or are you able to say that the Lord will help us? It’s not wrong to face fear boldly like this and try to overcome it, but there’s no…

Our Faith—Not Quantity but Quality

A line in an old Gospel song about our faith says, “Faith, faith, faith you don’t need a whole lot, just use what you’ve got.” Jesus said, “…for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and…

Satisfied in Believing in the Unseen

At any given moment, there are people all over the world reacting to unseen situations. Even though there is nothing visible, they still believe—based on just a warning—that something life-threatening is about to occur. Having faith in God and His Son and believing in the unseen is much like these scenarios people encounter every day….

Jesus Is Here — Abandon the Safety Net

Many of us have at least one item in our possession that we hold onto for security. It might be a particular article of clothing, a piece of jewelry, an official document, some kind of correspondence or a card, or it could even be just a toy, book, or stuffed animal. For some, it is…