Hearing God’s Voice in Harsh Times

How fundamentally important it is for us to know God’s voice. But He only speaks to the ones who are willing to “come and stand by Him.” If we truly want to hear Him speak to us, we need to wait on Him to open our hearts through-and-through as we spend quality time with Him every day….

Being Constantly Focused on Jesus and His Subtle Guidance

In our fast-paced world, staying focused on Jesus can be both challenging and crucial. Just as a skilled worker remains attentive to their supervisor’s every gesture, we as believers are called to keep our eyes fixed on Christ. This steadfast attention goes beyond mere obedience; it’s about developing a deep, natural understanding of His will….

Pushing Fear Out of Your Life

Whether it’s something small, like a pen running out of ink in the middle of an important exam, or something major, such as a bomb detonating on an airplane, there will be fear in our life. None is exempt from having this, regardless of age, background, standing in society, or physical location. Now fearing something,…

Impulsive Anger Can Destroy the Soul

God’s view of quick and impulsive anger has always been negative. “Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools” (Ecclesiastes 7:9). While it is not wrong to be angry at certain things on appropriate occasions, as seen in the following examples, we can’t be quick to…