Fellowship With God That’s Worthwhile

Man was created so that he could come into a loving relationship and fellowship with God, His Creator. But there was one thing man needed first. God wanted the ones He created to make the choice of showing their love for Him by obedience to Him through faith in Him. Man therefore had to be…

The Grace of God Enables True Love and Joy

We all start out in life as strangers to God and His grace. “Grace” means God’s goodness granted to undeserving people. As we begin to experience God’s loving mercy, we’re able to learn to trust Him more each day to see us through all our trials. Then His grace will be able to shine forth…

Valiantly Treading Down Our Enemies

When Jesus died on the Cross of Calvary, it was done openly in view of the whole universe. After “…having spoiled principalities and powers [evil angels and their domain], He made a shew of them openly [in front of all the multitude of heaven and hell], triumphing over them…” (Colossians 2:15). The powers of darkness…

This is No Time to Sleep

At one point in His ministry here on Earth, Jesus turned to His disciples and told them to “…watch ye therefore and pray…” (Luke 21:36). The Apostle Paul followed with this same advice later, saying: “…let us watch and be sober” (1 Thessalonians 5:6). The true disciples of God must not be caught in spiritual…