We Need Giants in Our Life – Part Three

We have seen, in our last two articles (We Need Giants in Our Life – Part One – (The Period of Training) and We Need Giants in Our Life – Part Two (The Period of Testing)), the necessity of giants in our lives, and how just one colossal representative of the enemy could plant significant…

We Need Giants in Our Life – Part Two

In our last article about the necessity for giants, we saw how the children of Israel found themselves at an impasse concerning the Philistine nation. Israel did not even dare to attempt to conquer them, due to a key representative put in place by the Philistine army—one massive giant. He was quite a formidable figure:…

We Need Giants in Our Life – Part One

A narrative recorded thousands of years ago speaks of one small nation pitted against another even greater one. But what makes this rivalry different from others is that one of the armies had the advantage of an abnormally tall and mighty warrior. The smaller nation constantly felt powerless whenever this giant along with all of…

Have You Reached Your Dead End?

Once you were in bondage to sin, but a way was made for you to get free. You acknowledged the price paid, and were then granted your release from captivity. The enemy was forced to let you go. Now the world you are in is a beautiful place. The burdens that weighed you down are…