Love and Devotion Displayed Spontaneously and Extravagant

True love does not cautiously hold back its feelings from the one it loves. Love is spontaneous, and may burst forth in amazing ways that we never plan in advance. The one quality that distinguishes love is that it comes forth, not by force, but from our free will and devotion. “…in Bethany in the…

He Walked With God in Foolish Times

Enoch was a godly man who lived seven generations after Adam, right before the great flood of Noah’s time. Throughout Enoch’s life, the earth was filled with corrupt people committing violence and wickedness of every kind. Most men walked following the lusts of their own hearts, doing whatever felt good to them. They were not…

A Fountain of Water or a Beautiful Sculpture?

Ever notice that a fountain doesn’t do anything but let the water building up inside it gush out and fill the area all around it? There is almost no effort on its part. It just fills with water and then releases it for all to see. It makes no attempt to conserve the flow of…

Its Important That We Know the Voice

How many times do we recognize someone solely by his voice? There are occasions when it is the only way that we are able to identify a person we know. Children quickly learn and know their parent’s voices, partially through sheer repetition, but mostly through intimacy. If we were to blindfold someone who has been…

It’s Easy to Lose the Steps of Christ

Following in the steps of Christ is reminiscent of the game children like to play in following another child by trying to step in each of his footprints behind him. The one who follows will do his best to keep up, but he may let his attention get distracted while the leader keeps walking and…