When Doing Good Works Has No Reward
This world is filled with people trying to make it in this life without God mostly through doing good works...
This world is filled with people trying to make it in this life without God mostly through doing good works...
In this world, a little child is generally considered to be at the lowest level in society regarding knowledge, maturity,...
A simple chain-link fence was all that separated me from the Great Blue Heron standing at the pond’s edge. Hoping...
“…He poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel...
Where is the main focus of our faith? Is it in the head of a religious organization, or maybe the...
Whether it’s something small, like a pen running out of ink in the middle of an important exam, or something...
Photo by Ray Marsh from Pixabay Walk into any jewelry store and you will find that all items of real...
“...without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and...
Jesus specifically said, “Take no thought for your life…” So why do you concern yourself with “what ye shall eat…drink…put...
Image by Alban_Gogh from Pixabay Are you in a situation right now where you are oppressed and mocked just for...
"The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then...
At the beginning of each year, we always seem determined to make ourselves better than we were the year before....
The first man saw that the trees in the Garden of Eden were pleasant to look at and good for...
For centuries, the Bible has been the best-selling book out of all literature. It can be found in print, electronic,...
Before He went to the cross to die, Jesus told His followers that He is the resurrection and He is...