Sugarcoating the Truth About Sin Is Dangerous

For most people, the reality of sin and truth fall into the category of being unpalatable. Both have been, and still are, a problem to everyone on Earth. We don’t like to be told the truth about sin. We don’t want to be told it’s wrong, or that there will be eternal punishment if we…

Delivered by a Savior or Swine?

We have a two-sided situation here. One side leads to being delivered, having victory, and receiving a new life. The other leads to lust for material gain, bondage, and death for all eternity. Looking at the narrative in this manner can alter our overall viewpoint. “…they arrived at the country of the Gadarenes, which is…

Does God Ever Care About Your Worry ?

Are you going through a situation where you feel like God doesn’t care about you? Does it seem like He doesn’t see what you are going through? Do you feel like you have to worry and fret over your situation, since God apparently is not interested in helping you with it? Maybe you think He…

Hidden Under the Wrong Shadow?

A shadow can mean different things to different people. They are beneficial to some, and ominous and oppressive to others. For example: A shadow of sickness moved across a country. A child lives under the shadow of his or her siblings, never able to achieve his own position of authority. A renowned scholar has become…

An Assault on the Cross of Christ over a Plus Sign

A magazine I recently read had a humorous list with three strange requests on it that graphic designers have heard from their clients. One was a client who wanted his designer to use something besides the plus (+) sign, because he considered it too ‘religious’! While this is somewhat amusing, it also reflects the current…