Not Having a Love of Money and Enjoying True Riches Forever

Money itself is not evil, nor is it good. It all depends on what our attitude is toward it. How people spend or use money is the problem with the world. Evil concerning money all comes back to the love of money, which is greed. And greed is the reason the world is such a mess…

The Way to God – Some Promising Steps

All roads lead to the same God, the world tells us. But the truth is that there’s only one road, only one right path leading to the one, true God. How can we know what path to take to get there? “Ask for the old paths,” the Bible says. The “old path” is the blood…

Who Designs Our Destiny?

Gethsemane is where we see the agony that Jesus, the Son of God, went through as He fulfilled His destiny to be the Savior of the world. God pulled the veil aside so that we could see what a great price had to be paid to make it possible for us become His sons and…

When We’ve Lost the Presence of God and Need to Reconnect

Why is it important to be reconnecting the presence of God today? The answer has always been available, but the reality is that humanity has somehow lost or misplaced it. We have hidden it behind our own desires that accompany our everyday lifestyle, which only hinders our spiritual walk with God. What happened to cause…

The Power of the Wicked One and the Power of God

There are two parties or ruling powers in this world. One belongs to God, and the other belongs to “the wicked one,” or Satan. Those of God are His true believers, who are of, from and for Him. It makes no difference what the business, status, or position is of those of the second, larger…

Through Faith We’re Kept by God’s Power

Throughout the Old Testament, images like a refuge, a shield, and a fortress are used to represent God. They describe how perfectly secure all the ones who live in Him are. The word “kept” is sometimes used as a military word in the Bible to indicate protection, as in a fortress. God is able to…

The 1 Way to Satisfy the Human Heart

Today, it seems like it’s all about me, what’s mine, what will satisfy me. Whatever is ‘new’ always appeals to us, because our heart is never satisfied. We are so inclined to look for satisfaction in ourselves! Yet, the moment we do, we have chosen the path to ruin. The things of this world will…

Where Should Our Hope Rest?

What is it that we are searching for? Is it for peace, joy and hope in our life? Is it what Jesus is looking for, or for something that will satisfy ourself? If we look to ourself for hope, we won’t find it. When a personal or world crisis occurs, thinking positively without living godly…

Power That Makes the Devil Powerless

Whenever we purposely stop depending on God’s Holy Spirit to help us stand against being tempted to sin, and then turn around and deliberately make plans to sin, we leave ourselves exposed to possible attacks, or even control, by Satan. It is not just our actions that he attacks—our motivation is under attack as well….

The Solid Truth of God Will Keep Us

Whenever God’s Word has been put to the test, it has been found every time to be as true as the purest gold and worthy of our trust. It is the solid truth of God alone that protects us from evil and sets us free. But when experience by itself dominates our life instead, the…

Be Not Deceived: Subtle Deception in the Last Days

We live in a world today that is full of deceivers. The only way we can avoid being misled by them is by paying attention to the advice of Christ. He stated in advance what signs will arrive before His coming. The first would be an increase in false prophets and false Christs. “…He said,…

Godly Jealousy: God’s Fatherly Love

The Apostle Paul was used of God to help the Corinthians believe in Christ, and also to unite with Him to become one as a husband and wife are one (see Ephesians 5:23-25). He was the messenger of God who had “espoused them to one husband” when he led them to Christ. This was when they were…