Where’s The Center Point of Our Faith ?

If a plumb line was held next to our spiritual position with God, how far off would we be in relation to His straight standard? Our center point must always be Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross. If we lean in any direction toward anything other than Him, the faith we are ‘building’…

Devil, Deception and the Masquerade

“Hey, Mitch, you devil, what are you wearing for the masquerade?” a voice yelled out from one cubicle. “Mitch, is the bell going to toll this year?” said another voice bursting out of one of the offices, followed by uproarious laughter. Mitchell began to hurry as he walked to the city planner’s office. He had…

No Power of God Yields a Weak Church

Churches all over the world today are operating with no power. Sure, the lights are on, the music is playing, and the temperature is adequately controlled—but spiritually there is “no power.” So why is there no power? How do these churches survive without it? It is due the fact that they are operating in their…