Don’t Fight — Stand Against the Devil

As believers in Jesus Christ, we have a responsibility to strengthen our spiritual bodies. Satan will continue to buffet us and bring about great resistance as we develop and increase our relationship with Jesus. But we can’t let this hinder us from pressing forward, it’s like riding a bicycle against the wind, we must learn…

Ask Seek Knock — 3 Underused Concepts

Did you ever notice, concerning the first letters in the three key words in this passage: “ask,” “seek,” “knock,” that they form the word “ASK?” This makes it easy to remember the order of the words when we are trying to recall these scriptures. The Lord has laid it out clearly for us. First we…

Packed, Shipped …and Forgotten by God?

You make your needs known to God and yet nothing happens. You send them off, like a package, with great anticipation, believing that the answer will come very soon and you wait and wait and wait without a single word or response from your Heavenly Father. How often do you feel forgotten by God? A…

Rain and Unbelief

I recently read an interesting anecdote about an open-air religious meeting held in Scotland in the 1800s. On the morning of the day of the meeting, rain came down in torrents. A minister connected with the meeting led the others in prayer, confidently praying that the weather would clear up by the time of the…

When Cheer Breaks the Afflicted Trap

Are you currently in distress? Have you been extremely annoyed or highly embarrassed lately? Or are you experiencing pain or suffering? Now is the time for you to exercise your faith and hope in God. You may need physical healing, or your need may be spiritual healing. We frequently need both, since some physical suffering…

Like a Pump, Praying to God is Easy

Getting water from a pump or praying to God can be the easiest and the hardest thing to do depending on how frequently you are accomplishing each of them. Just as our body needs water so our spirit must be in frequent communication with our Heavenly Father. Yet if either one is neglected it becomes…

Release Your Faith in Your Point of Contact — Jesus Christ

That particular evening Jesus faced the weariness of physically ministering to the throngs of people all day, and of feeding all of them too. Not only had He been pressed by them all day long, but also up into the evening. While the disciples headed back to the other side of the Sea of Galilee…