Lost in the Dark?

Have you ever eagerly wandered off into a deep, dark forest, only to find yourself lost? Or taken a walk down a path and had the sun go down earlier than you had anticipated, leaving you to find your way in the dark? Maybe you have driven down a road and had dense fog suddenly…

An Assault on the Cross of Christ over a Plus Sign

A magazine I recently read had a humorous list with three strange requests on it that graphic designers have heard from their clients. One was a client who wanted his designer to use something besides the plus (+) sign, because he considered it too ‘religious’! While this is somewhat amusing, it also reflects the current…

The Bee, the Birdbath, and When God Reached Down to Save Us

We often have the idea that God is an impersonal entity that has little concern about our well-being. Yet the writer in Psalms 18, verse 16 speaks of God quite differently, “He sent from above, he took me, he drew me out of many waters.” Contrary to popular belief, while He will be displeased when…

Little Sins Are Like Cracks in Glass

You may think by reading this article that I couldn’t think of anything but windows and glass to write about! Actually, the following broken window examples point out that little sins in our lives are like a cracked or broken window or mirror. Whether small or large, the glass is still broken. Comparatively, little sins…