Sin and Yeast—a Corrupt Correlation

I recently found myself thinking about the yeast used in bread and ultimately its parallel with sin in our lives. It is a key ingredient in many popular types of bread because it is essential to make them rise. Without yeast in bread of this kind, you would have a thick and rather tough lump…

Like Exit Signs Jesus is the Way Out

Have you ever thought about the “EXIT” signs that many buildings have placed inside rooms over the doors that lead the way out of the building? On the ones very often seen, the word EXIT is in red letters, lit from behind. Studies have found that red is the color most recognizable in a smoky,…

Impulsive Anger Can Destroy the Soul

God’s view of quick and impulsive anger has always been negative. “Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools” (Ecclesiastes 7:9). While it is not wrong to be angry at certain things on appropriate occasions, as seen in the following examples, we can’t be quick to…

An Assault on the Cross of Christ over a Plus Sign

A magazine I recently read had a humorous list with three strange requests on it that graphic designers have heard from their clients. One was a client who wanted his designer to use something besides the plus (+) sign, because he considered it too ‘religious’! While this is somewhat amusing, it also reflects the current…