A Great Storm Coming Over the World

Almost two thousand years ago, Jesus miraculously fed five thousand people in a desert place (see Matthew 14:14-21), and then compelled “…His disciples to get into a ship, and to go before Him to the other side [of the Sea of Galilee]…while He sent the multitudes away, He went up into the mountain apart to pray,…

In Difficult Situations God Is Always Superior

God chooses to put His children into difficult situations of great magnitude sometimes, which seem to lead us to a position of no escape. If He asked us in advance what we think of being subjected to them, it would never be our choice to be in such circumstances. What about you? Are you in…

Why Does Fear Have the Advantage Over Us?

Since the beginning of this world, it is unlikely that anyone, except Jesus Christ, has ever lived a life without some kind of fear. Whether it comes from a wasp attempting to sting, a stumble that nearly sends us over the edge of a cliff, a massive wildfire quickly closing in, a collection agency waiting…