Do Not Fear — God Has a Powerful Plan of Deliverance

Moses and the crossing of the Red Sea, symbolic of how in our situations God reminds us, do not fear for His deliverance is at hand.

The Lord frequently leads His children into very difficult situations from which they are unable to see any way of escape. And they would not have judged this to be a good idea if God had asked their opinion in advance. But do not fear for God’s cloud always guides them in the direction He deems best. “…Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever” (Exodus 14:13).

“Fear ye not”

“Fear ye not”, Moses ordered the people of God. Yet here they were, with no weapons, facing the mightiest army on Earth at that time. But their lack of weapons really did not matter, because they had no courage to stand against the Egyptian army anyway.

“Stand still”

“Stand still”, Moses then ordered them. They were not to even try to fight, or to help God out in delivering them. What they did need to do was to just stand quietly, reining in their fear, panic, and confusion. That was how they could ‘help’ God!

“See the salvation of the Lord”

“See the salvation of the Lord”, Moses told them next. But how could Moses be so sure himself that God would deliver them? He knew there was good reason for hope that God would intervene. His courage and confidence came from seeing the supernatural cloud that had come with them. He also knew that God always positions Himself in between His people and their strong enemies. “And the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from before their face, and stood behind them…” (Exodus 14:19).

Most people tend to place situations between themselves and God. But the man of God places God in between himself and the difficult situation.

Do Not Worry, Do Not Fear

You may also be in a difficult situation right now, from which you can see no way of escape. Do not worry, do not fear—if God leads you into the situation, then it is appropriate for you, and it will prove to be justified in due time. God will use it later as a way to show His grace and power to you and to others.

Do Not Fear — Put God in the Middle

Most people tend to place situations between themselves and God. But the man of God places God in between himself and the difficult situation. Has God said “Go forward!” to you? Then do not fear, watch Him clear the way and lead you, along with other men and women of God, the way a shepherd guides and cares for his flock. His way will be a way unknown to you. But if He chooses to put you in dire straits, He will also be the one to lead you out again.

Do Not Fear — Turn Upward to God in Prayer

Where else could Israel go but up? And that is just where their deliverance came from. You may be doing what you should to follow God and make your way to Heaven, and still find yourself troubled every direction you turn. Some of the Israelites cried out against Moses, because they were so afraid. They acted like the same God who had performed miracles to get them this far could no longer perform more miracles on their behalf. Others who were afraid cried unto God in prayer. But this was good for them, because they needed to learn to cry unto God, and no longer rely on Moses or themselves.

When we cannot find a way to get out of the trouble we find ourselves in, we need to rise above our fear, and use it instead to spur us into prayer.

Why does God still bring His people today into trying and difficult situations? so that we will go on our knees at once, seeking Him for answers and deliverance. When we cannot find a way to get out of the trouble we find ourselves in, we need to rise above our fear, and use it instead to spur us into prayer. We should never permit our fear to stifle our hope and faith in God.

Image from Defense Visual Information Distribution Service on Picryl – Public Domain Dedication (see additional disclaimer at end)

Do Not Fear — Wait Until God Directs Your Next Move

“Stand still,” instead of trying to fight or flee in order to save yourself. Stand still until God tells you your next move. It is His concern to defend those who believe in Him and to direct them. Be a good soldier of God and wait to receive further orders from Him. Then carry out His orders once He gives them to you. Settle yourself to put all confidence in God no matter what situation He has led you into. Do not fear. “The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace” (Exodus 14:14). Then you will see what a great deliverance He is going to accomplish on your behalf!

God will do the work needed without any help from you. It is wise when times are hard to keep your spirit calm and quiet.

Do Not Fear — Be Calm and Hold Your Peace

“Hold your peace.” Don’t raise your hand to the enemy. Don’t even shout against him. God will do the work needed without any help from you. It is wise when times are hard to keep your spirit calm and quiet. This puts you in the right frame of mind to do the work you are supposed to do and to consider God’s work.

In conclusion, let the words “Do not fear” echo in your heart when faced with insurmountable odds. For the God who delivered Israel still delivers His people today. He calls us to stand still—not in idleness, but in steadfast trust. To see His salvation—not with eyes of doubt, but with vision illuminated by faith. And to hold our peace—not in silent despair, but in the quiet confidence that our Lord fights for us. Remember, child of God: your Red Sea moment is but an opportunity for divine intervention. Trust Him, and watch as He turns your impossible situation into a testament of His unfailing love and power.

[Additional image credits: Featured image (when applicable) by Antonio Tempesta from Wikimedia Commons on Picryl
(Public Domain Mark PDM); Opening image by Ivan Ayvazovsky from Wikimedia Commons on Picryl (Public Domain Mark); Last image from Defense Visual Information Distribution Service on Picryl – Public Domain Dedication — “The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.”]