He Went Out of the Way to Save You

The man was sitting beside a small, recently fallen, tree near the woods at the edge of town. His hand gripped his chest constantly and a grimace showed on his face. He was obviously in great pain. His other hand rose occasionally, feebly waving in an attempt to motion for help. A woman sat nearby,…

Can God Help with Your Cares, Burdens, and Afflictions?

“Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” Psalm 53:22 To cast your burdens upon God means resting upon what He has promised and on what He provides. Cares can heavily weigh your heart down, but the Lord won’t allow you to come…

The Lonely Ones of God

Many people fear loneliness. But for a child of God in His service, being alone is a necessity—because God’s way is a lonely way. If you are going to lead others as God directs, it requires a certain amount of loneliness. You cannot take friends along with you, even though they may provide you a…

The Wrong Piece

It is annoying, downright annoying, when assembling a jigsaw puzzle, to find that a piece is in the wrong place. One part of the piece that connected to the other pieces fits correctly. And it seemed to match the corresponding picture. Yet when you try to connect the other pieces to it, they just will…

Absolute Emptiness No One Talks Of

We all know the old saying that “money can’t buy happiness.” Although a few may find some happiness through money, no amount of money in the world can buy or bring anyone complete satisfaction. Ask King Solomon—in his time he was (and would still be considered) the richest person in the world. Some have calculated…