With Prayer, Resolutions Are Powerful

As each new year begins, most of us choose to follow the same old routine of making resolutions. Many have lofty aspirations that they will very likely not obtain, while others purposefully choose things that they know they will be able to keep, yet they lack any real plan or hardly a prayer for long…

New Year, Same Sin

At the beginning of each new year, it is the same old thing: So many of us want to improve some area of our life. Everywhere we look, from gyms to retail stores and restaurants, there are promotions for a new outlook on life. Yet, with all of these means in place to assist us,…

Many Efforts But Still No Results

At the beginning of each year, we always seem determined to make ourselves better than we were the year before. What great endeavors we make to fulfill whatever resolutions we think will improve our life; yet, for so many, these efforts yield little or no results. Why can’t we accomplish all we set out to…

New Year Resolution or False Promise ?

Another year rolls around, and we hear people making all kinds of New Year’s resolutions or vows.* Are you one of them? A resolution means reaching a firm decision about something. Is it a good idea to make these promises that we don’t get around to keeping, or keep only for a short time? The…